“Self Portrait” Book burning with Corbin Shaw, 2022
Martyn Reed (NO/UK)
Martyn Reed is a British artist, writer, independent researcher, curator, collector & exhibition organiser based in Stavanger, Norway. He is the founder of Nuproductions, Reed Projects, Numusic (est. 2000) and Nuart Festivals in Stavanger & Aberdeen (est. 2001/2017). He is also founder and Editor-in-Chief of the peer reviewed Nuart Journal and one of the world’s foremost curators and authorities on street art history and practice. Much of Reed’s work and the platforms he devises are international collaborative events that revolve around promoting art as part of everyday life utilising anti-establishment counter-cultural strategies, values and thinking. He has written and published extensively on street art and related practices and is adept at writing in the third person, even though it feels a little uncomfortable and fake, he often uses humour as a shield.
This site is a small archive of selected works produced in public space between 1991 and the present day. The works are not listed in any particular chronological or heirarchical order and are generally produced between other projects “ad-hoc” with little planning. The majority of the listed works were produced as a response to the corona pandemic occassionally contextualised by the inclusion of earlier works. If time allows, the site will be expanded over the coming months with further works and essays.
Favourite quote:
— What are you rebelling against?
— What have you got?
Website by
Sæter Jørgensen Contemporary