Sweat of the Brow

I had this idea to go to a foundary or coal mine of some other Northern industrial worksite and collect the sweat from the brows of workers and bottle and present it as a prestigious scent. It’s alledged that the musky pheromones in sweat are an aphrodisiac and knowing that prestige comes with rarity, I figured the destruction of whole industrial communities in the North would leave me with a smelly but valuable asset. Gucci of the North if you like. It turned out I was few dacades late with the idea and Thatcher had already seen off the threat. Undettered I resorted to the tried and tested formula of D.I.Y, found a now defunct company online that produced bespoke bottles for perfume and made my own. Sadly only one tester made it, which as you can see from below, I neglected to document properly before giving it as a gift to a multi-millionaire ex fund manager that I know. It seemed like a fitting end to a project, that like the working man, deserved better.


Rosemale Riots

