Road is Lava
With reference to the kids game “the floor is lava”, this collaboration with Spanish artist Octavi Serra was initially produced for Nuart in 2018. Re-created in 2020 across the city’s Zebra Crossings, it was intended to bring a touch of joy and fun to public space at a time of restricted movement. Many of the interventions were produced around local schools offering a brief respite from the rules and structure imposed on play by the state and how we can intervene in public space to create a more playful environment with quite minimal effort.
Main Photo: Brian Tallman.
An early work I produced and “road tested” in 1991 on Old Compton Street, Soho, London. This portable Zebra Crossing came with shoulder straps and could be rolled out across the street in seconds, but would drivers recognise the authority of these black and white stripes when employed by an individual and would the public on a busy street take advantage of this new found freedom to cross where they liked. The answer to both, was a resounding yes.